Webinar: C/S and O/N/H Analysis of Powder Samples

Published On: 13 januari, 2025/By /

Webinar: C/S and O/N/H Analysis of Powder Samples

Published On: 13 januari, 2025/By /

Additive manufacturing of components from metal powders is a well-established and widely used process for many fields of application (R&D; medical parts, …).

However, the correct C/S and O/N/H measurement of the starting products (metal powders) can be challenging due to the broad chemical composition of the educts. The webinar will present devices and applications for the correct C/S and O/N/H measurement of a wide variety of powders and provide tips for improving of the analytical performance.


  • Standards for C/S and O/N/H analysis
  • Consequences for the correct C/S and O/N/H analysis
  • C/S and O/N/H analyzers
  • Finding the right application settings for complex samples
  • Analysis of other powders (e.g. ceramics)
  • Tips and tricks

March 13, 2025

  • 08:00 – 09:30 a.m. CET*
  • 03:00 – 04:30 p.m. CET*

Reserve your spot today for this enriching learning experience!

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