• Nikon webinar – Upptäck möjligheterna med digital mikroskopi

    Anmäl dig till Nikons kostnadsfria webbinar! Digital mikroskopi tar bort begränsningarna hos traditionella mikroskop – ingen mer ögontrötthet från okularet och bättre bildkvalitet i realtid. [...]

  • Webinar: C/S and O/N/H Analysis of Powder Samples

    Additive manufacturing of components from metal powders is a well-established and widely used process for many fields of application (R&D; medical parts, ...). However, the [...]

  • Webinar: ELEMENTS Software Basic Training

    ELTRA is hosting a webinar on the powerful ELEMENTS powerful software for the operation of Eltra's ELEMENTRAC series analyzer (ELEMENTRAC CS-i; CS-d, C(H)S-r and ONH-p). [...]

  • Webinar: Efficient Planar Grinding of Metallographic Samples

    Maximize your surface quality and removal rate with insights from QATM's latest webinar. This session will guide you through optimizing metallographic plane grinding, helping you [...]

  • Revolutionary image analysis with AI – Precision redefined in hardness testing

    QATM introduces QAI, the advanced AI-powered integration for their QpixControl2 software. This technology is transforming hardness testing by enabling fully automatic and precise detection of [...]

  • Passa på! Nikon har under en begränsad period nedsatta priser på utvalda produkter

    Nikon har under en tidsbegränsad period (t.o.m. 28/2-2025) valt att prissänka några av sina populära mikroskopmodeller. Det gäller både invertade rutin- och forskningsmikroskop samt ett [...]

  • Hot off the press: The new Slee product catalog 2024 is here!

    We’re excited to announce the launch of Slee's brand-new product catalog for 2024. Packed with fresh products, comprehensive descriptions, and even more accessories to explore, [...]

  • Webinar – Discover artificial intelligence (AI) in microscopy inspection

    Are you ready to elevate your microscopy inspection processes with the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI)? Join Nikon’s upcoming webinar, "Unlocking the Power of AI [...]

  • Nyhet från Biolin: Nya dispensers till Attension Theta optiska tensiometrar

    Biolin Scientific har gjort en stor förbättring av sina optiska tensiometrar Theta genom att lansera en ny engångspipettspets-dispenser. Dispensern är en viktig del av optiska [...]