Meet us in Uppsala for a mini-symposium and demo
BergmanLabora together with the BioVis platform at Uppsala University arranges a Mini-symposium and Demonstration Day in Advanced Fluorescence Microscopy. Talks will be given by Sylvie Le Guyader, facility manager at the Live Cell Imaging facility / Nikon Center of Excellence at Karolinska Institute and Pontus Nordenfelt, Associate Professor, Infection Medicine, Lund University and BergmanLabora.
The focus for the day will be advanced fluorescence microscopy techniques including both confocal and super-resolution modalities. After the symposium, there will be opportunities to have a look at two of the latest systems: Nikon AX R and Nikon/CrEST V3-DeepSIM.
Our Biolin surface analysis, SLEE Medical histopathology, and Sotax tablet analysis product specialists will also be available to discuss your applications. We will have various products from this portfolio available for demonstrations as well as smaller microscopes from Nikon.
When and where?
Date: September 13 (demonstrations: 31 August to 16 September), 2022
Time: 10:00-17:00 (talks: 10:00-13:00)
Place: Rudbecksalen, Rudbeck entréplan, C11, Uppsala University
Please register for the mini-symposium and/or demonstration, by sending an email to info@bergmanlabora.se latest Friday 9 September 2022.
10:00-10:05 Welcome, Oliver Garner, BergmanLabora AB
10:05-10:50 Photodamage in sensitive samples (live or dim) – dos and don’ts, Sylvie Le Guyader – Facility Manager, Live Cell Imaging Facility /Nikon Center of Excellence, Karolinska Institute
10:50-11:30 Advances in Confocal and Super-Resolution microscopy, Oliver Garner, BergmanLabora AB
11:30-12:15 Data-driven image acquisition to enable true quantitative microscopy, Pontus Nordenfelt – Associate Professor, Infection Medicine, Lund University
12:15-13:00 Lunch
13:00-16:00 Open-house for demonstration systems. Nikon AX R confocal and Nikon/CrEST V3 spinning disk with DeepSIM super-resolution
Demo: the systems are available for personal demonstrations 31st August to 16th September
Organizers: BergmanLabora and BioVis at Uppsala University