Meet BergmanLabora AB at SciLife Lab
SciLifeLab symposium in superresolution microscopy
BergmanLabora AB and the Advanced Light Microscopy Unit at SciLife Lab welcome you to a symposium teaching applications of superresolution fluorescence microscopy from world-leading experts in the field.
When: September 28, 9:00-15:00
Where: SciLifeLab Stockholm, Campus Solna
Our Nikon microscopy, Biolin surface analysis, SLEE Medical histopathology, and Sotax tablet analysis product specialists will be available to discuss your applications. We will have various products from this portfolio available for demonstrations and smaller microscopes from Nikon.
Registration to the symposium:
09:00 Opening, Dr Hans Blom – SciLifeLab, Campus Solna
09:05 Superresolution microbiology using PALM, Prof Ulrike Endesfelder – University of Bonn, Germany
09:50 The axonal architecture at the nanoscale revealed by STORM, Dr Christophe Leterrier – CNRS – Aix Marseille University, France
Coffee break
11:00 Characterization of organelle dynamics with live-cell STED, Dr Giovanna Coceano – SciLifeLab, Campus Solna
11:45 MINFLUX in practice, Dr Daniel Jans – University Medical Center Göttingen, Germany
PhD-students/Postdocs may also sign up for one-on-one project discussions with
the experts (1:45 – 3:00 pm)